ALL ABOUT BOOKS - THE MOVIE was shot in and around Ventura County.

Paul Kinkade in his studio.

Captain Hook and Sergeant Nollo at the scene of the crime. 

Hook and Nollo after a donut break.

Kinkade and Gary Gilcrist face an uncertain future.

Questioning Evelyn Carbuncle.

Kinkade and Gary console Evelyn. 

Gary's landlady and her aluminum foil hat.

Donut-of-the-Month Club success. 

Gary and Kinkade confront Kenny Knuckler.

Henrietta Kinkade likes her garden.

Kinkade tests Gary's secret surveillance weapon.

Kinkade and Gary on the lam.

Pat's donuts are simply the best!

Henrietta Kinkade makes a mean breakfast.

Dr. Hagarty longs to roam free across the grassy fields. 

Hook and Nollo meet arrogant billionaire Jack Fonay.

Sergeant Nollo in focus.

Kinkade and Gary visit Penny Loafer's house.

Nollo and Hook in Heaven.

Paul Kinkade thrives on tough decisions.

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